Just Asking

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Find the Comet

There is a comet in the skies visible, with the naked eye. To find it, first find Cassiopeia (the big W high in the night sky), second find Pleiades (the faint teensy-tiny dipper on the ecliptic plane to the right of Orion). The comet is roughly halfway between them. Go back to Cassiopeia and find the second and third stars from the left in the W. They point to the comet. Near the comet are three stars almost in a line. The comet is beside the middle star, a faint blob. It was a still a featureless blob when I looked at it with binoculars.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger Diane L said...

Thanks! I was wondering how to locate it. It's darn cold at night when it's clear, so I don't want to linger outside . . . :-)


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