Just Asking

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Old Pickup

I drove a white Nissan 4x4 pickup from 1993-2007. I left it sitting overnight in a church parking lot on a scout campout in December 2004, and some burglars stole it during the night. Judging by the mess they left behind when I saw it again, they were from south of the border, and they used it to burgle several houses. My pickup was found by the police when they went to investigate a report of a stolen Honda (the car theives hopped out of my pickup to grab the Honda). I used my insurance money to repair all the amazing damage they did to it, and kept on driving it.

I sold it to the dad of an Eagle Scout in our scout troop, and he drove it while he attended college. I just learned that the dad sold it to his brother-in-law, whose son had just turned 16. The son, whom I also know through the scout troop, recently pulled into a convenience store with a friend in the passenger seat, and the two of them were attacked by four Russian thugs. Three of them assaulted the two teens while the fourth drove off in the pickup. Fortunately, the police caught all four thugs rather quickly and returned the pickup. The two boys have healed from their wounds, and the carjack driver is now sitting in jail with a huge pile of charges against him and with a bail to high to pay.

My question is, "What is it about that white pickup that thieves like to steal it?"


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