Just Asking

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Washington Caucuses

I decided not to caucus today. I am very unhappy with my choices:
1) An aging Vietnam vet known for being a Republican "maverick" because he has sided so often with the Democrats on a wide variety of Senate legislation.
2) A liberal Baptist minister who happened to get elected governor of Arkansas as a Republican.
3) A nice young man with no fresh ideas ("change" is rather vague), minimal experience, and zero accomplishments other than voting against invading Iraq in 2003. On the bright side, Michelle is an angel compared to Bill.
4) A ex-First Lady with a long record of tolerating an adulterous husband for the express purpose of becoming president. (And how did she ever escape conviction in the Whitewater case as her business partners were?)

IMHO, when elected, none of them will:
1) Withdraw our troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, or any of the other gazillion countries where we have troops.
2) Close our borders to terrorists or illegal alien workers.
3) Save Social Security by privatizing it.
4) Cut taxes and fees.
5) Decrease the size and scope of the federal government.
6) Appoint conservative constructionist judges to the Supreme Court.
7) Save our health care system by pushing it towards the same free-market system that brings us inexpensive and plentiful food and cars.
8) Protect our First Amendment rights to free political speech and contributions.

Only the Second Amendment folks and the Pro-Choice/Pro-Life folks have a clear choice.


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