Just Asking

Friday, April 04, 2008

You *Will* Comply

I am hearing scary ideas coming out of the environmental left who want us to do everything we can to stop global warming. Things like making it a crime to emit greenhouse gases without buying a permit (called carbon credits). I recall a similar line of thought in Hillary's great socialized medicine plan of 1993, that is, making it criminal for a doctor to provide medical services outside her system. This also reminds of how Mao approached his Cultural Revolution -- cooperate or die (and millions died).

I suggest that this is a characteristic of the far left: using the power of government to make it a criminal act to not go along with their leftist plans. I see this willingness to use the force of law to make citizens comply to be a defining characteristic of a leftist, as opposed to a liberal. I think liberals want everyone to get along peacefully, and want the government to help people, not imprison them.


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