Just Asking

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Cut my Hand

On Thursday morning, I fell on concrete steps while holding a ceramic pot. The pot broke, and I cut my a finger on the shards. M. drove me to my regular doctor to get sewn up, but I was told that the fingernail root had been cut and that I needed to see a plastic or orthopedic surgeon to repair it. They found an orthopedic guy on call, and off we went. The ortho guy decided that the nail bed had not been cut, so he irrigated the wounds, wrapped me up, and sent me home. Friday I took a one-day round trip to LA for business meetings with a big bandage on my finger. No one asked about it!


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Diane L said...

Yikes! Heal quickly. Bet you are being VERY careful not to bump it . . .


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