Just Asking

Sunday, January 28, 2007


When the sun shines on winter days in Western Washington, the locals go outdoors, because this area is beautiful whenever the sun shines. Our group went for a bike ride in Orting, a tiny (but growing) town almost due west of Mt. Rainier. The view of Mt. Rainier is awesome from that area.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Diane L said...

Trade you for some sunshine!!! We have a quite magnificent display of hoarfrost . . . :-)

Have you noticed all the hoopla about global warming in the news? At this point I will admit to confusion about the whole issue . . . all that ice melting has to go somewhere though. Still makes sense to me to keep pollution levels down & promote better air & water quality . . . China & India really need to start paying attention unless they're doing population control the hard way.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Pedicularis said...

Of course. I have been tracking the news about global warming every since it became the only reason to study Arctic sea ice after the end of the Cold War. It is a popular and effective way for the leftists to impose their will on millions of previously and newly free citizens of the world. Soto has posted a fine series of blogs on the topic:


I have concluded that we should not spend trillions to prevent global warming because it is a futile effort and it will take far less money (and many years further into the future) to build sea walls, move cities, and plow new farmland in the northern latitudes. But I strongly support promoting energy efficiency, clean air, and clean water, and building potable water supplies and sewage treatment plants all around the world. That last item will do enormous good for the environment and for the people living in the environment.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Diane L said...

OK - now that makes sense! I knew you had thought this through. Less time spent arguing & more time & money spent building sea walls makes sense too . . . Yes, the lack of good sewage treatment plants contributes daily to illness & death in many parts of the world today. I have often pondered what the body count needs to be to get people's attention - sad.


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