Just Asking

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Catching up

Sorry I have not posted; I’ve been busy. Here are a few pet peeves:

It is just too soon to discuss the 2008 presidential primaries, isn’t it?

I was saddened this morning to hear that Scooter Libby was convicted on four charges.

The Mayor of Seattle wants the state to spend around a billion dollars on a tunnel along the Seattle docks to improve the view from downtown.

The Seattle Supersonics and NASCAR want the state to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a new stadium and a race track, respectively.

The Democrats in Olympia have increased the state budget by around 20% per year since taking control of the legislature, but the Department of Corrections is releasing felons and sexual predators due to lack of funds for jail space??

What is wrong with their priorities?


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