Keeping Warm
We lost heat Tuesday evening when the outside temperature was 21 F. The furnace continued to run half-heartedly, but it did not keep the house warm. By morning, the inside temperature was down to 58 F, but the outside temperature had risen to the mid-30s. By now the furnace was not even trying to run. I turned on every light in the house, added a 1500 W electric space heater on the fireplace hearth, turned on the grow lights (640 W), and turned on the electric oven and opened the door. Pretty quick, we shut off the grow lights and oven. We discovered that we could keep the house warm (66 F) with the lights and the 1500 W heater. At 3,000 square feet, it is not a small house, either. I was amazed, because it was still in the mid-30s outside. Of course, the electricity usage went from a normal of 24 kWh/day to 97 kWh/day.
Epilogue – the furnace guy finished the repair work today, so the house is pretty dark again. The problem was the motor on the air blower was not giving the proper feedback to the speed controller. He said it was an unusual problem.
Aside - My Subaru was a bit lonely in the parking lot at work today.

Was it your car playing in the snow that made all those tire tracks?
No. I just pulled forward and backed in. By the time I took the photo, several delivery and mail trucks had driven by.
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