Just Asking

Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's a Free Country

Have you heard the reports on what Chavez (from Venezuela) and Ahmadinejad (from Iran) have been saying in their speeches to the U.N. and to local (U.S.) citizen groups? Terrible insults, and absolute socialist pablum. Even Charles Rangel (D-NY) was outraged! But sometimes the audience cheered! And yet, they are free to speak their minds, and it gets reported in the free press. Isn't this a great country?

And to think, the U.S.A. buys more Venezuelan oil than any other country. How's that for gratitude? Can you imagine how many bullet holes would fill President Bush if he went to Venezuela or Iran and made a speech calling their president the devil?

Now Chavez is buying favor among the poor in New York by offering them deeply discounted heating oil. "Citgo Petroleum, the U.S. subsidiary of Venezuela's state oil company, has earmarked 25 million gallons of discounted fuel for low-income New Yorkers this year." Hmm, guess I won't buy Citgo gasoline again!


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