The Fluctuating Dow Jones Average
After all the turmoil last week, the Dow is now down "only" 12% from its all-time high.
That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? :)
I must be some sort of optimist to look at it that way.
After all the turmoil last week, the Dow is now down "only" 12% from its all-time high.
A Conversation with Kenneth Timmerman, investigative reporter
This Easter seems so cold. My childhood Easter memories are warm sunny days with tons of daffodils blooming and lawn grass tall enough to hide Easter eggs. My grandmother's birthday was April 17, and Easter often fell on her birthday, so I knew long ago that Easter is a movable holiday.
Excerpts from "The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat, by Richard Harris"
I learned something new this morning. Today is Pi Day.
This video clip gives new meaning to "serving our country".
I got this in an email, with this intro line: