Just Asking

Monday, June 12, 2006

How can President Bush raise his public approval ratings?

I still support President Bush. I think that his drop in approval ratings is not from Democrats, but from Republicans and moderates. I don’t think he has been sufficiently conservative to please them. You know, I still want him to do some of the things that Newt Gingrich promised us in 1994, like close down the Department of Education, cut the Department of Health and Human Services in half, and veto those pork-filled spending bills coming out of Congress. He also needs to cut income taxes some more, rescind the McCain Feingold campaign finance bill if he can, stop the in-flow of illegal aliens and terrorists across the Mexican border using national guard and military (Why else would they be called the Department of Defense?), push for enforcement of current laws regarding illegal alien immigrants (Are they really voting?), push for more nuclear power plants and oil refineries, push for more drilling offshore of California and in ANWR, push energy efficiency and conservation and cogeneration (CHP), and write a bunch of executive orders to cancel all of the new regulations installed by Clinton by his executive orders.


At 2:03 PM, Blogger Pedicularis said...

Just by asking the question, I raised his poll numbers by 7 points? Wow! This blog is more widely read than I ever imagined!! :)

At 11:02 PM, Blogger mamurd said...



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